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What foods are good for liver repair?

 Liver cleansing foods

What foods are good for liver repair?

Liver cleansing foods

The liver is one of those parts of the human body that is usually not taken seriously until it starts to cause problems and for some people it is too late.

The liver is also called the protector of the body because it is always involved in cleansing the body, not only to produce energy using proteins and fats, to provide the necessary support to the digestive system, to kill harmful germs in the blood. Therefore, performing the chemical reaction and purifying the blood from toxic substances is also the work of the liver.

Keeping this vital and useful organ healthy and clean is extremely important for human health, for which a balanced and healthy diet must be used.

Nutritious foods for the liver:


What foods are good for liver repair?

The use of apples keeps the cholesterol level in the body right, which helps the liver a lot. In addition, it is also rich in malic acid which cleanses the blood and liver. Apples have antioxidant properties that are essential for liver health.


What foods are good for liver repair?

Pulses are also good for the liver, they contain plant-derived protein, too much protein can be harmful in liver disease, lentils provide the body with as much protein as the body needs. Is .


What foods are good for liver repair?

Lemon is the best food for the liver, it naturally cleanses the liver. It provides the body with vitamin C, which helps the liver produce essential enzymes and gives the body energy.

People with liver disease are often advised to use lemon instead of salt.

Other foods that keep the liver healthy include barley porridge, dates, garlic, green tea, beets, figs, fruits, fish, olives, plums, cooked meats, poultry meats, goat meats. Includes lentils, black gram water, pumpkin.

These ingredients also do not have genetic modification and protect the liver as antioxidants.

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