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China says it is interested in having friendly relations with the Taliban

China says it is interested in having friendly relations with the Taliban.

TANDA (Monday, August 2) Although no country has yet said whether it will recognize the new Taliban government or not, China says it is interested in establishing friendly relations with the Taliban.

According to the Xinhua News Agency, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a news conference in Beijing after the fall of Kabul that the country was interested in maintaining friendly relations with the Taliban.

China has repeatedly invited the Taliban to Beijing over the past few years to discuss reconciliation and Chinese investment in Afghanistan.

"The Taliban have repeatedly expressed their desire for good relations with China and called for China's participation in the development and reconstruction of Afghanistan," a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said.

At the same time, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said that China respects the right of Afghans to determine its own destiny and is ready to continue friendly relations and cooperation with Afghanistan.

It also called on the Taliban to ensure that the transition takes place peacefully and peacefully, and that the Taliban stand by its commitments to establish a broad-based Islamic government through political consensus and ensure the security of Afghans and foreigners.

The Taliban's future actions will show how flexible they are this time around, how they treat the people and how committed they are to international norms and human rights.

A government in Afghanistan that is internationally recognized and able to interact with the international community is vital to Afghanistan and its people.

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