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History of humans according to scientist

History Of Humans

history of humans according to scientist

Scientists have determined a new geological era, which started in 1610 according to a research. This era has been named 'human-era' or anthroposine.

Scientists have shown that the arrival of European residents in the continental America has fallen impained on all planets, which started a new geological era. This research has been published in the scientific journal. Some other experts believe that it was far away from the industrial revolution in the 18th century in Europe. Experts geologists divide the history of the earth into different periods during which the planet has changed significantly. These changes include the movement of continents, a blow of land or a variety of changes in the season. We are still living in the form of 'Helson', which started after the end of the ice-11th year ago. But now scientists say that humans have also dramatically transported the earth. Experts are looking for a clear sign of identifying clear effects of humans on earthly grounds, called 'golden index'. Its effects are saved in rocks, snow and gad etc. 

 Says Professor Mark Maslan, professor of the research co-author and university college lindin says: 'We look for the indicates that when you can tell when all the earth changed

history of humans according to scientist
If you see all the geological periods, we have set up this round of borders on the same principles. 'This research shows that at the beginning of the human era, a golden index was seen in 1610. Scientists say that the arrival of European residents in the continental proved to be a talent of global change. Dr. Simon Lewis, another author of research, says that international trade started, due to which the animals and the vegetations of the animals started to move around worldwide. 'II and Jihad, which was growing in Europe, Africa and China. South America potatoes started to fall into Britain, Europe and China. The commodities were also on the other side: wheat reached North America and the south to America. Become a mixture of the world. 'We have seen that the creatures of the living creatures have started crying continents, this work was never before it, it started evolution in a new direction of the earth.' The ancient vineyards found in Gad get the record of this change, but the scientist founded a indicator, and he was in the form of these diseases in Europe
In the continent, the US-based people were killed, the majority of the farmers were contacted. (After his death) the fields became a forest, the air-conditioned forest, dry forest or grass field. Halfly dry weight of a tree is based on carbon, so all these trees removed the carbon with aerial air that it reduced significantly in the amount of global carbon dioxide. And this thing can be seen in ice layers. 'They said:' This is a sense of exactly the right start of the human era, namely 1610. "This is the most minimal measure of carbon dioxide in the frigid layers of the time. 'Comment on this research, Dr. John Zallasian, Dr. John Zalusasch, sai that these interesting research has been presented in this research. He said: 'It increases the discussion on the human era. The 16th proposal indicates a major event, but there is more evidence in this regard



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