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History of unites state

The United States History

The United States History

The United States and the Holocaust

Americans had access to the information about the opposition to the Jews on the Jews, but most people could not imagine that their massacre could have been in fact. 
Although most Americans had sympathizers from the European Jews, helping their shelter and save them from the Nazis never found national priority. 
The main facts 1 founded unemployment and national security in the United States, and the internal concerns of the Jewish entire race and racism, and the basis of the Amaziism for the help of the European Jews.

 2 United States and other coalition nations preferred military victory over the war on human goodness during the World War. During the war, the governments of the Nazi Empire and its allegations were not the purpose of allies. 

3 The United States allowed 25 to 1403 to 1954 to escape refugee to 180,000 to 225,000 escape from Nazis's oppression during 1933.

 Although the US accepted more refugees compared to any and country, if the United States took place on this settlement, then more people could have been given American immigration visa

World War 2

The United States History

Due to the decent prejudice of the world's respect to the economic disaster, the world's contextual disaster, the consent was not limited to the immigrants due to the deceased president against the immigrants and immigrants. Neither President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration nor the US Congress tried to correct the immigration stations of the United States complex and employer so that thousands of shelters could be helpful to escape from Europe. 

It included the code to set a number of imaginary numbers of imaginations. Instead, the US Department of Foreign Affairs introduced new steps to restrict it during this period, under which it was more difficult to enter the United States for immigrants. Although the people could release the immigration visa as a United States, the people were issued to the visa, even though he accepted more than his visit to the Nazis to avoid the Nazis than all other countries. In September 1939, when the second war began, most of Americans hoped that America would be a non-living in this war. 

In the US, the severe discussion continued for the next two years. This discussion was between the people who are able to join the United States and the war. The first party was ahead of the war and focus on the worship of the grain of the Orathur, while the other side was the fact that the United States should have to go with the UK whether it has to go war. The United States started gradually to coalition forces. 
On December 7, 1941, Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor eliminated the discussion and the United States immediately war against Japan. In response to Germany, Germany also announced the war against the United States.

 The United States was involved in the fight against the ally countries against the allegations for the allegations forces (Germany, Italy and Japan) in the Second World War. The aim of the United States was to defend democracy and its aim was not to save the Jews from the Nazi Empire. In January 1944, the US government has created a board of warrior, whose responsive rescue was to save and help the Jews and other minorities

. During the last year of war, the United States saved thousands of people's tensions. In the spring of 1945, allied tons of US soldiers were defeated by the Nazi Germany and the allegiances for the Holocaust and thus was eliminated.

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