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How harmful is drinking tea for health?

 How harmful is drinking tea for health?

How harmful is drinking tea for health?

Most people are accustomed to starting their morning with a cup of tea, according to health experts, drinking tea while admiring is tantamount to putting oneself in danger. Along with most of the benefits of tea, there are also some disadvantages that depend on the timing of its use.

While there are some advantages to tea, there are also some disadvantages. Drinking tea by mouth is very dangerous for health as it causes many problems including acidity. Drinking tea at the mouth is an invitation to many stomach ailments, even if it is green tea is harmful to health.

Here are the disadvantages of drinking tea.

Increased acidity:

Drinking tea, even if it is green tea, is dangerous to health. If you drink it before breakfast, it increases the acidity of the stomach, which causes heartburn, indigestion and belching.

People who have a habit of drinking tea early in the morning should eat solid foods first.

Dental disorders:

Drinking tea by mouth increases the number of 'bacteria' in the mouth which leads to tooth decay. Therefore, it would be a better decision to include tea in your diet only after breakfast.

Drinking tea on an empty stomach causes dehydration. After eight hours of sleep, our body needs water because the body does not get water during this time, so make it a habit to start your day with water.

Dizziness and nausea:

When caffeine in tea is made a part of your diet, its side effects become noticeable, including vomiting and nausea, dizziness and heaviness.


People who are fond of tea often complain of bloating, the main reason for which is to drink tea while admiring. The milk in the tea causes indigestion which causes flatulence, constipation and indigestion.

It is better to avoid drinking tea early in the morning. Health experts say that it is very healthy to start your day with lukewarm water and coconut water instead of tea.

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