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Rahul Gandhi urges BJP to learn from Pakistan

 Rahul Gandhi urges BJP to learn from Pakistan

Rahul Gandhi urges BJP to learn from Pakistan

Rahul Gandhi, the central leader of India's opposition party, the Congress, once again urged the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to learn from Pakistan.

In a statement released on the social networking site Twitter, Rahul Gandhi hit two targets with an arrow.

He shared a chart on corona virus cases and sneered at the Narendra Modi government, saying it was "another clear victory for the BJP".

Rahul Gandhi also advised the BJP to learn from its neighbor Pakistan and said that Pakistan and Afghanistan have overcome the corona virus better than India.

After his message, like a social media storm, more than 43,000 people liked Rahul Gandhi's words and about 13,000 retweeted it.

Rahul Gandhi's satire and advice sparked a debate on social media, with one calling it a great idea and the other calling the Congress leader the next prime minister.

One user asked Rahul Gandhi, "Why do you compare everything in India with Pakistan?Are the populace and socioeconomics of Pakistan and India the equivalent?

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