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Heavy rains have caused floods in Hyderabad

 To whom did the person killed in the floods in India make the last phone call?

Heavy rains have caused floods in Hyderabad

Audio of the last phone call of a man killed in a flood in Hyderabad, Telangana, has come to light.

According to an Indian media report, a man named Venkatesh Gowda of Hyderabad in the Indian state of Telangana was found dead on Thursday who was swept away along with his car in the flood relay, during the investigation of the incident. The audio of the last call has surfaced.

According to media reports, the deceased made the last call from his phone when his car was stuck in the flood relay and he contacted his friend on the phone call for help.

According to one minute and 44 seconds of audio, the victim appealed to his friend for help, saying that he was trapped in the floodwaters and that his car was flooded.

Asked for help by a man named Venkatesh Gowda, his friend said, "Get out of the car and try to save your life with the help of a tree. The victim said there was nothing to support. Save myself

The man who died added, "Help me, save me, I will die," to which his friend encouraged him, saying, "You are so brave, try, nothing will happen to you."

Eventually, the deceased man asked his friend to save him and then the call ended.

It is to be noted that the city of Hyderabad in the Indian state of Telangana has been receiving continuous rains for the last two days, 20 cm of rain has been recorded in 24 hours while vehicles have been swept away in the flood waters.

Heavy rains have caused floods in Hyderabad for the last two days, killing 12 people in different incidents.

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