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Warm environments threaten coronavirus survival

 Warm environments threaten coronavirus survival

Warm environments threaten coronavirus survival

Around the world, the corona virus, also known as code 19, has difficulty surviving due to rising temperatures.

In a study conducted in Australia, experts tested the coronavirus's survival in the dark at three different temperatures.

The study found that when the corona virus was kept at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, it survived for 28 days on the surface of mobile phones, plastic and currency notes, while at 30 degrees Celsius, the survival rate of the corona virus decreased. 7 days left

Research on the corona virus has shown that the virus can survive at 40 degrees Celsius for only one day.

In addition, corona virus survives on mesh surfaces such as clothing for 14 days at low temperatures and 16 hours at high temperatures.

It is to be noted that the worst situation of Corona virus remains in India and after 66,000 new cases, the total number has reached more than 7.1 million while the number of Corona virus victims in the United States has reached close to 8 million.

On the other hand, in the coastal city of Qingdao, China, corona virus cases will be tested on the entire population. Have been done.

Markets and restaurants in the affected region will be closed after 10 p.m.

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