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Saudi Arabia History 1922

History of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia History


The Arab Sharif ruled Turkey until 1922, known as the Ottoman Caliphate. Before 1922, the name of Saudi Arabia was not Saudi Arabia but the Holy Hijaz.

The Ottoman Caliphate lasted on three continents of the world for 623 years (1299-1922).
Whenever there was persecution of Muslims in the world, the Turkish government would respond bluntly. If the United States, Britain, Europeans, Christians, and Jews were most afraid, it was the Ottoman Caliphate.The United States and Europe knew that as long as the Ottoman Caliphate existed, 
nothing could harm the Muslims.

The United States and Europe plotted to overthrow the Ottoman Caliphate.
There were also many wars between the Ottoman Empire and Russia in the 19th century, as Mecca and Medina are revered by Muslims, so the first tribulation began there.The United States and Europe were the first to raise a man who was a Christian who spoke Arabic in such a way that no one doubted it. And these Turks are non-Arabs. How are they tolerating the non-Arab government? But people didn't believe him.
This person known as "Lawrence of Arabia" is also seen in the picture of this post. (You can search on Google by typing Lawrence of Arabia).Then the United States raised a man named Abdul Wahab Najdi.Abdul Wahab Najdi met an Arab businessman
His name was Ibn Saud and he tempted Ibn Saud to become the ruler of Arabia.
Then Ibn Saud started wars against Turkey in Mecca, Medina and Taif
Millions of Muslims in Makkah, Madinah and Taif were martyred by Ibn Saud's bandits when Turkey saw that Ibn Saud martyred innocent Muslims in Makkah, Madinah and Taif in order to drive us out of Arabia and rule over Arabia itself.Turkey then announced to the world that
"We don't like carnage on this holy land."
Due to this, the Ottoman Caliphate was abolished.

Because of which 40 new nations appeared. Then the decline of the Muslims of Arabia began. The name of the Holy Hijaz was changed for the first time in the history of 1400 years. Ibn Saud named the Holy Hijaz after himself.
And this fitna is also mentioned in the hadiths and that is why the government of two scholars did not pray for the city of Najd in Saudi Arabia. It was in this Najd that Ibn Abdul Wahab Najdi was born, from which the British laid the foundation of a new religion and this city is also the birthplace of Musalma Kadhab.

But in order to throw dust in the eyes of Muslims around the world, the British also changed the name of this 'Najd' city to 'Riyadh' which is now the capital of Saudi Arabia.
In Janat al-Baqi 'and Janat al-Ma'ali, bulldozers were driven over the graves of Sahaba Rizwanullah Ajmeen and Ahl al-Bayt (as) and all the graves were desecrated and destroyed.
(Unfortunately, even today, many forgotten Muslims consider these graves to be in accordance with the Sunnah, even though they were not like that before 1922).

The gates of the Haram Sharif were named after the Companions and the Ahl al-Bayt after Al-Saud (you can read all this information in all the history books besides the Internet).
In 1962, Hollywood made a movie called "Lawrence of Arabia" on the success of their conspiracy, which has been seen many times.
Jews and Christians were allowed to come to Arabia. On the day that Ibn Saud became the king of 
                                                                                            Arabia, a celebration took place.

The Arabs by whose name the Jews and Christians trembled began to dance at the behest of Saudi Arabia and the United States, and is still dancing with the rhinos.
Mentioning this nefarious conspiracy of Jews and Christians


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