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Biggest Businesses that control the world

The Three Big Businesses That Control The 

Biggest Businesses that control the world

    The world's largest business is oil, followed by arms sales and drugs. These three big businesses are not only controlling the world economy at the moment, but the power that controls these businesses is actually considered the owner of the world and it is no secret      that the United States is currently the only superpower in the world. 

                      1 Oil, 2 Arms, 3 Drug,

                      The biggest business in the world is oil 

                     Second is The Sale of Arms
                   Third is The Drug Business
United States' total revenue

Fifty percent of the United States' total revenue comes from arms sales, which is why defense experts consider wars to be in America's interest. Many people know that the third largest business in the world is drugs.
The CIA is the world's largest intelligence agency. The agency's operations continue around the world at great expense. These costs are many times higher than the budget approved for it. The CIA spends 90 percent of its budget on drugs to cover its expenses.

The money approved in the budget is accounted for, while the proceeds from the drug trade are spent on ruthless killings and various horrific schemes. There are two regions in the world where most drugs are produced. Near China are Myanmar and Thailand, known as the Golden Triangle for drug trafficking, and the world's second-largest opium-producing region, now known as the Golden Crescent. Afghanistan is said to be the region where more than 90% of the world's opium and heroin are produced.  

The American control over the areas where opium and heroin are being grown in Afghanistan is not hidden from anyone. In these areas, people from the US Army are found saying that we have come here to promote and protect opium cultivation. In 2000, the head of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid, declared the cultivation of opium un-Islamic and banned its cultivation, leading to a severe shortage of opium and heroin in the world for the first time.

After taking control of Afghanistan, the American CIA once again promoted the cultivation of opium here and not only that, but also the bankrupt American banks were re-supported with the same amount. Where is it that the CIA has made some people its front man for this job. Hamid Karzai's brother, Wali Karzai, is one of those who is thought to have become the richest man in the world at the moment if there is a ranking of illicit wealth.

One of the main reasons for the US invasion of Afghanistan was to regain control of the heroin business run by the CIA. Surprisingly, the highest consumption of this heroin is in Europe and the United States, because it is not the American Christians who control the CIA, but the Jews who have caused panic all over the world.

By: Story of The World 


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