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International Albinism Awareness Day 2020

International Albinism Awareness Day 2020

International Albinism Awareness Day 2020

 1.  Albinism is not the result of cross marriage

 Children born with albinism may look 'white' because of a lack of skin color or even no one, but rather a product of cross-race sex.

 Albinism is a parent-related genetic disease, in which a person does not make a natural pigment (melanin) on his skin and hair and eyes. It means, album, can attack anyone on sex, social status, race and ethnicity.

 As a result, with albinism - often referred to as' albino 'or technologically as' albinode' - there will be a very skin color, almost white hair, and yellow blue eyes or sometimes even red purple (so that the red retina is visible is transparent ice) for the rest of its life. 2.

  Albany has many types
 The medical world has identified several types of ulvinism, distinguished by changes in skin color, hair, and their common eyes and their genetic causes. Unusual type 1 albinism is characterized by white hair, very light skin, and bright coloured eyes.
 2 type is generally less severe than 1 type; The skin is usually creamy white, and the hair can be pale, blond, or light brown.
 Type 3 also includes the form of albuminism that has named Rufus oclito albinism, which usually attacks black or black people. Infected people have red brown skin, thumb, or red hair, and brown hazel or brown slices. 

Type 4 has signs and symptoms that are present in type 2.
 TTR in several genes, oka 2, tyrp1, and slc45a2 simi

4.  Animals and plants can also experience albinism

 Albinism can also be found in plants and animal kingdoms. In the case of animals, albinism is not fatal. However, albino animals face vision problems, making it difficult for them to hunt for food and protect them from danger. 

Therefore, their survival rate may be lower than that of ordinary animals of the same nature. White tigers and white whale are examples of exotic, famous alvin animals due to their distinctive and unusual skin color. However, alluvians plants usually have a short life due to lack of pigmentation that can threaten their process of photosynthesis.
 Albanian plants usually survive only more than 10 days. 

5.  People with albinism are soon cancer

 The appearance of "caucasians" born of albuminism is due to lack of melanin. Although humans don't need melanin to survive, the lack of substance can cause its own health problems as melanin protects the skin from uva and uvb radiation from the sun.

 People with albinism synthesize vitamin d five times faster than people with black skin. Since vitamin d is produced when ultraviolet b rays enter the skin, lack of pigmentation means that light can enter and the skin is easily penetrated. It means that the person who is albino is as good as Monday, even cooler days, quickly than anyone with a more common level of melanin. This means that people with albinism are at higher risk of mayanmarom skin cancer 

6.  People with albinism have problems of perspective

 Although people with albinism are usually in pink or red eyes, the color of iris varies from blue (most common) to brown.

 The color of red is reflected behind the eye, as well as light flash cameras that sometimes produce images from red eyes. Extraordinary things happen not only in the physical appearance of the eye. 
Due to lack of melanin pigmentation in the retina, people of alvinism are visible. In addition to "coloring" skin and hair, melanin also plays a role in preventing retina which produces a general vision. Cause they may have minus or more eyes, and vision support may be needed.

 Other eye problems associated with albinism include eye matting (nastargas), and light-sensitivity (photophobia). Certain types of ocular albuminism versions that have passed from mother to child can be quite serious due to permanent blindness. 

7.  Married blood is one of the risk factors of albinism
 Integration between close Cousins, siblings and biological parents is at great risk of endemic albinism in later generations.

 It is because plasm is an autoimmune resuscitation disease. This disease will only emerge if a child is born of a father and mother who are part of this damaged gene. This means that both of you take the genes to become milan that are damaged because they are directly lower than your parents and your child has a chance of 50% on the damaged genes, after that there is a 25% chance of the risk of Albania in their offspring. While if only one party had an albumin



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