Parents Day in Islam
Parents Days
Parents Day in Islam
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Parents and children in Islam
Parents and children in Islam are ordained together by reciprocated obligations and reciprocal arrangements. And Allah says “ dutiful to your parents..” for many reasons. Before marriage; many ups and downs – acceptance and rejections, sleepless nights praying to Allah to make the marriage successful and bless it. Allah answered our parents’ payers, bless them with children (me and you) – do me and you care to pray for them?
During pregnancy
During pregnancy; our mothers can’t sleep, eat, drink…as desired caring for me and you, and our fathers are not at ease thinking and caring for their wives and the unborn babies (me and you). Do me and you care for them now? Unquestionably delivery is one of the more painful events in human experience, it ranges widely from woman to woman and even from pregnancy to pregnancy. The labor pain results from some physiological-psychological causes. Agony during work is brought about by constrictions of the muscles of the uterus and by pressure on the cervix felt as solid squeezing in the mid-region, crotch, thighs, and back, just as a pain-filled inclination. It's regularly not the agony of every compression on its own that ladies locate the hardest, yet the way that the constrictions continue coming. She still smiles and happy for giving birth to me and you, yet we appreciate it not!
For me and you to be alive, our mothers nearly lost their lives, some did in the process of delivery. Many babies were born through cesarean section and many developed sicknesses from the cradle that made our parents become inhabitants of hospitals – hardships upon hardships; sickness of the baby coupled with the unconducive and uncomfortable place of living (hospital). Can we remember this and show love to them?! Parents can’t buy what they want because of me and you. Presently, we care not, we purchase what we need and overlook our folks!
For me and you to be alive
Our parents
Our parents couldn’t relax or concentrate because we cry day and night. Now, we care not about how they feel, it takes time before we remember them. Father developed sickness as a result of our cries in the night; he has worked vigorously in the afternoon and unable to sleep in the night because of me and you. Now, we care not about their income or daily upkeeps until they ask. Some have been told that their parent is behind their distresses and as a result disown their parents. Imagine! Parents refuse to abort the pregnancy when I and you know nothing, they refuse to kill or sell us but care for me and you,…but some were brought up to disown them when they become weak at old age, subhaanallaah! Our parents gave me and your daily upkeep when we’re young but when I and you start earning income, we spend our salary or income with our wife and children and forget our parents. Parents don’t have rest of mind when we were young caring and praying for us but I and you only remember them when you see their missed call.
Allah created
Allah created whatever He wishes by saying Be and it will surely Be. In His power, the Almighty, He can send down human beings from heaven like rain instead of the living man to produce offspring and still command us to respect and be dutiful to one another. But Allah in His faultlessness excellence created Prophet Adam (the first man), peace be upon him, from clay and Hawah (may Allah be pleased with her), his wife, was created from him. Q4:1. It is a process of creation by the Best of creators in which inorganic matter, clay, becomes living matter. The inorganic matter after becoming living matter reproduces itself through sperm which is deposited in the uterus where it encounters its counterpart; the ovum and fertilizes it. The first change in the fertilized ovum (zygote) is the conversion to a blastocyst through repeated cell division (a sort of clot or thickly congealed blood); the Blastocyst cell grows further by segmentation; then the mass gradually assumes shape in its growth as an embryo. From the lump (embryo) develop bones, flesh, organs, and a nervous system; then the breathing of Allah’s spirit into it; then it develops into another creature, all inside our mothers, hardships upon hardships coupled with the poor condition of living for many. Q23:12-14, Q31:14, Q Q46:15 Muslim 2643.
Our mother
Our mothers deserve more honor due to the great sacrifices and pain they endured during childbirth. For this reason, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) declared that our mother is the most deserving of our good company, even before our father. Sahih Bukhari 5626. The mother's privileges over us are incredible to such an extent that the Prophet once advised a man not to join the military undertaking so he could come back to his folks and serve them, explicitly his mom, for Paradise is under her feet. Al-Bukhaari, 2842;
The rights of parents over their children may be summed up as treating them well in all matters and behaving with them kindly as Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents.
On the off chance that one of them or them two accomplish mature age in your life, state not to them an expression of insolence, nor yell at them yet address them as far as respect. Furthermore, lower unto them the wing of accommodation and lowliness through leniency and state: 'My Lord! Offer on them Your Mercy as they brought me up when I was youthful'" Q17:23-24. "express gratefulness to Me and your folks. Unto Me is the last goal" Q31:14 "And We have charged on man to be devoted and kind to his folks" Q46:15 Q29:8, Q31:15.
The Prophet
The Prophet (harmony and endowments of Allah arrive) stated: "He is doomed,He is doomed He is doomed It was stated, "Who, O Messenger of Allah?" He said, “The person whose parents, one or both of them, reach old age during his lifetime but he does not enter Paradise.” Saheeh Muslim, 4627, 2551.
Shaykh al-Sa'di (may Allah show benevolence toward him) stated: "be devoted and kind to guardians" signifies: treat them compassionate in all ways, in word and without a doubt. Tafseer al-Sa'di, p. 524 Ibn Jareer al-Tabari (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in respect of Prophet Yahya (Q19:12-15): Here Allah says: “And dutiful towards his parents” meaning that he was quick to obey them, cherishing towards them, and not insubordinate Tafseer al-Tabari, 16/58, Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 3/121. Make Dua,for them and appeal to God for pardoning for them, particularly when they develop old and feeble and need somebody to treat them merciful and deal with their necessities. Spending on one’s parent and feeding them is more precious than feeding own children. al-Bukhaari, 2102; Muslim, 2743
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