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Biden has a 87% chance of winning the US presidential election

 Biden has a 87% chance of winning the US presidential election

Biden has a 87% chance of winning the US presidential election

The US presidential election is set to take place next month on November 3, with early voting in 50 US states, with Republican President Trump being challenged by Democratic nominee Joe Biden. President Obama has served as Vice President of the United States.

Biden, who has been involved in US politics since the 1970s and has represented the people of his constituency in a number of key positions, including the Senate, has been widely reported in election reporting as election day approaches. The position of these two candidates is becoming clear.

According to media reports, the nine states in the United States that are currently expected to face off are being considered as a battleground in the run-up to the next presidential election, as the US election is decided by the Electoral College system. Therefore, getting more votes does not mean that the candidate who got more votes will win.

In the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton had more than 3 million more votes than the current US President Donald Trump, if all the states of the United States were to collect the votes, but because she could not get the required votes under Electoral College. Hillary lost to President Trump.

According to opinion polls, the same thing is happening with Trump. According to various opinion polls, there are nine states in the United States where the two candidates are at odds. These include the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Arizona, with a total of 125 Electoral College votes.

The US presidential candidate needs a total of 270 Electoral College votes to reach the White House, and according to statistics, these are the states where President Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, but now these states have defeated his rival Joe Biden. The two candidates are expected to face off in these states.

The Corona virus is currently uncertain, but according to the latest polls, these nine states will play a key role in the future presidency of the United States. Texas, which has 38 votes, has so far voted for Trump. There is a lead, but with new voter registration, the situation is changing rapidly here, which is why even a Republican senator from here has distanced himself from Trump's politics and ideas. I have already announced that his views on some issues do not match those of Trump.

This suggests that even in the state of Texas, which is considered a Republican stronghold, Republican candidates do not want to stand with Trump to win his election, because here Trump's policies are to be followed. I find it difficult for them to win.

Even now, according to statistics, Trump has 49.2% and Joe Biden 44.8% of the people in the state, but the poll does not mean that the referendum is 100% correct, as compared to Trump in the 2016 election. I was ahead of Hillary Clinton but she lost the 2016 election, now the Democratic candidate Joe Biden has 51 percent and Trump has 42 percent.

With Biden far ahead of Trump in this race, election analysts believe that Trump may lose this election, according to NetSilver's Five Thirty-Eight.com blog, which has an 87% chance of Biden winning, while Decision Desk headquarters According to Joe Biden, his chances of winning are 83%.

In the first speech debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the conditions were not right for Donald Trump. The way he repeatedly interfered in his opponent's speech was not to the liking of the majority of people, especially women, and women. A large number of people have also expressed their concerns.

Donald Trump later refused a second debate, and now, in the final debate on Thursday, he could not prove himself a better candidate than Biden. If Biden makes a mistake, it will be to Trump's advantage. It was expected, but they also seemed to dominate the debate. However, the nine states we mentioned above seem out of reach of Donald Trump at the moment, in which he won a landslide victory in the 2016 election. Of was

Among those who like Biden are angry Liberal Republicans, angry Republicans, Democrats, the working class and ethnic minorities, while Donald Trump has the support of the less educated white class, mostly from rural areas. The majority of the population is elderly, while the majority of young people are with Biden.

In the run-up to the election, President Trump says he will improve the economy, create jobs, protect US trade interests and not soften his immigration policies, ending his reliance on China. Want to protect the economy

The Indian community here is also divided in the contest between the two candidates, although in the past the Indian community has always supported the Democratic Party, but in the last election, they sided with President Donald Trump. Given.

Donald Trump won the hearts of the Indian community because of his anti-Muslim rhetoric in the United States, but now that the Democratic Party's Vice Presidential candidate is Camilla Harris, whose mother is from India. While her father is a Jamaican-American, she has repeatedly mentioned her mother in her speeches, which has won the hearts of many in the Indian community here, which is why she is on the side of Indian-Americans. The Democrats raised 33 3.3 million in a one-night virtual fundraising event in September.

Biden and Harris seem to be concerned about the Indian government's actions in Kashmir and are not well received by the Indian community, on the other hand, the majority of the Pakistani community in the United States, which has never supported the Republican Party. What they liked was that they became angry with the party because of President Bush's policies after 9/11, and the community gradually grew closer to the Democratic Party.

Syed Fayyaz Hassan, Aftab Siddiqui, Amir Makhani and Raja Zahid Akhtar Khanzada, the Pakistani-origin leaders of the Texas-based Democratic Party, have been with the party for the past 20 years and are hopeful that the majority of Pakistani Americans will support the Democratic Party candidates. Will vote.

The Democratic presidential candidate, Biden's Pakistani-American businessman Tahir Javed, who is from Houston, is a big supporter of Biden and at his home in a fundraising event, which Biden himself attended and made a clear statement on Kashmir. He said that human rights violations were taking place there and they did not take a good look at it.

Tahir Javed also raised1.8 million in community support for them, as well as party funds in other states, including Pakistani-Americans, including Dr. Asif Qadeer from California, who are considered close to Senator Camilla Harris. In this regard, not only the US presidential candidate but also the US Vice Presidential candidate has relations with and has access to Pakistani-Americans, thus these relations can somehow influence the policies regarding Pakistan and India. However, statements from both the parties have already reiterated in this regard which direction they will be leaning and what their policies will be.

In the US presidential election, a Pakistani-American is a fan of Donald Trump. He belongs to the oil business. Syed Javed Anwar has been providing huge amount of money for the Republican Party and recently he gave huge amount of money to Donald Trump. He has donated for the election, but the majority of Pakistanis support Donald Trump's support for Israel, the ban on the entry of Muslim refugees and the ban on immigration to some Muslim countries, and his closeness to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Doesn't look good.

Many are justifying their support for the Republican Party because of Camilla Harris's Indian affiliation, but as far as ideology is concerned, there are many similarities between Pakistani and Republican ideologies, including family values. , Economic and social conservatism.

The US presidential election in 2020 is very different from the previous elections because all political activities have been restricted due to the corona virus. The cause is being affected and many people are not going to vote after hours of long lines.

In many places, voting is by postal ballot, and the results may be delayed, as was the case during the Bush election in 2000. 190 cases have already been filed in the courts in 43 states. Donald Trump has also ordered the nomination of a candidate for the post following the death of a judge in the court, but this has yet to be approved by Congress and the Senate.

There is also a lot of legal battle going on, with President Trump expressing reservations about the postal voting process, accusing it of fraud and denying promises of a peaceful transfer of power.

However, according to several opinion polls, President Trump lags far behind his rival, Biden, and in many opinion polls, the gap exceeds 10 points. According to a recent Economist poll, Biden is likely to win Barack Obama in 2008. Six to five percent is like an easy victory.

Trump is still pursuing the strategy of 2016, but now the situation is completely different, the public mood has changed, the Corona virus has killed 120,000 Americans, the people of Donald Trump due to the increase in racial discrimination. Statements and policies that have created hatred in the United States.

These are the issues that are the top priority for voters at the moment. Donald Trump is looking for a crutch to stand on his own two feet, while he and his opponent, Joe Biden, have been cautiously dealing with him. However, the decision will only come to light in the event of a vote.

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