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Corona virus, cases became 42497381

Corona virus, cases became 42497381

Corona virus, cases became 42497381

No region of the world is immune to the deadly coronavirus outbreak, and its patients and deaths continue to rise.

The number of people infected with the corona virus worldwide has reached 42,497,381, while the death toll from this deadly virus has risen to 1,149,367.

Around the world, 9,918,176 corona virus patients are being treated in hospitals, quarantine centers and in isolation at home, of which 76,534 are in critical condition and 31,429,838 corona patients are recovering. Have done

The United States, with a population of over 330 million, ranks first among the top 10 countries in terms of coronavirus cases, with 229,284 people dying from the virus so far, while The total number has reached 87 lakh 46 thousand 953.

In the United States, 2,819,508 patients with the corona virus are being treated in hospitals, quarantine centers and in isolation at home, of which 16,323 are in critical condition, while 5,698,161 corona patients have been cured so far. ۔

India, a country with a population of over 1 billion, ranks second on the list with a sharp rise in the number of corona virus patients, with 1,17,992 deaths from corona and 78.14 million infected. One thousand 682.

In terms of the number of corona patients, Brazil ranks third in the list of countries where the virus has swallowed 156,528 lives, while the number of corona patients has reached 53,055,650.

The total death toll from the corona virus in Russia has risen to 25,525, while the number of its patients has risen to 1,480,646.

The death toll from the corona virus outbreak in Spain has risen to 34,752, with 1,110,372 confirmed cases so far.

The corona virus has claimed 28,338 lives in Argentina, with 1,069,368 cases reported so far.

The total death toll from the corona virus outbreak in France has risen to 34,508, with a total of 1,041,075 cases reported so far.

In Colombia, the death toll from Corona has risen to 29,802, while the number of Corona cases has risen to 998,942.

In Peru, 34,033 deaths have been reported so far due to corona, while 883,116 cases of corona have been reported here.

Mexico ranks 10th on the list, with the total number of deaths from the corona virus rising to 88,312, while the number of corona cases has risen to 880,775.

Saudi Arabia ranks 22nd in the list with 5,264 deaths from the corona virus so far, while the number of its patients in the kingdom has reached 344,157.

The first case of corona virus was reported in China, a country with a population of more than 1.43 billion. China is ranked 54th in the list, with 85,775 corona cases. The number stands at 4,634.

New cases of corona virus in Pakistan and the steady decline in deaths from it while the number of people recovering from it is increasing due to which the country ranks 24th in the list of countries in terms of the number of corona patients.

The number of cases of corona virus in Pakistan has reached 327,063, while the total number of deaths due to this contagious epidemic has reached 6,727.

Across the country, 10,235 coronavirus patients are still in isolation in hospitals, quarantine centers and homes, of which 586 are in critical condition and 310,101 have recovered. 

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