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Nizam-al-Mulk Tusi short history

Nizam-al-Mulk Tusi 

Nizam-al-Mulk Tusi short history

Just as the era of Harun al-Rashid is incomplete without the mention of Bramka, so the promise of the Seljuks is incomplete without the mention of Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi.

His name is Hassan bin Ali bin Ishaq Tusi and he is known as Nizam-ul-Mulk

He was the successor of Sultan Alp Arsalan and his son Malik Shah

Thanks to their God-given abilities, the countries put an end to the tyranny of the maneuvers.

Allama Ibn Katheer writes about them.

He was superior to all the rulers in character and judo

The beginning of the night

Your father, along with Amaldin Zangi, started a jihad against the Crusaders for the sake of Allah.

Allama Hafiz Dhahabi writes about Nizam-ul-Mulk

Minister Kabir Nizam-ul-Muk Qawam-ud-Din Abu Ali bin Hassan bin Ali Tusi was a very shrewd, understanding, intelligent, happy, pious and dignified man. His Majlis was always adorned with scholars and jurists.

He established madrassas in Neshapur and Baghdad and set scholarships for scholars and students.

He was a memorizer of the Quran

You memorized the entire Qur'an at the age of 11.

He would spend his whole day with the scholars and jurists

Eat with students.

This was a sign of humility and humility. One night while sitting down to eat, his brother Abu Al-Qasim was sitting on the table on one side and a poor man was sitting on the other side of Khorasan and Wali Khorasan with one arm cut off.

Nizam-ul-Muk saw her refraining from eating with this faqir, so he asked the faqir to come with me. He sat her down next to him and ate with her.

You used to offer your food to the poor

The perfect Imam Ibn Athir Jazri

Historians write that the glory of the Seljuk was due to the capabilities of the Nizam-ul-Mulk

He got additional powers from Malik Shah and gave such discipline to the army and such a system to the empire that the Seljuk empire showed its power to the world.

On Thursday 10, 485 AH, after breaking the fast of Ramadan, you were martyred by a soldier of the Internal sect.

May Allah have mercy on them.


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