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Eating apples and pears also keep blood pressure normal, research shows

Eating apples and pears also keep blood pressure normal, research shows

We as a whole realize the wellbeing impacts of leafy foods, yet particular kinds of organic products, including apples, berries, pears, and different organic products, can be extremely useful in controlling pulse. These fruits are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, which help prevent pre-existing diseases such as cancer and diabetes.

Albeit the advantages of these organic products are additionally being uncovered, another examination has additionally reinforced this reality. Presently this examination shows that the microorganisms and different kinds of microbes living in our stomach and digestive organs control circulatory strain by following up on flavonoids. This examination will likewise discover why a few flavonoids are useful for the heart.

Research by scientists at the University of Queensland in Northern Ireland has shown that gastrointestinal disorders play an important role in the absorption of flavonoids and in controlling blood pressure. Thus, regular use of flavonoids can be very helpful in lowering blood pressure.

Eating 80 grams of blueberries, strawberries and other types of berries a day lowers blood pressure by four degrees. It should be noted that normal blood pressure measures 120 and 80 and 140 to 90 mm can be considered as high blood pressure.

"Anthocyanins are a type of flavonoids that keep blood pressure normal," says Eden Cassidy, a nutritionist at Queen's University. These uncommon flavonoids are found in the blue and red shades of many natural products, including blackberries, blueberries, red grapes, and different natural products.

Gastrointestinal bacteria divide them into simple ingredients and they are very useful for the heart. Interestingly, on the one hand, they have a positive effect on the intestinal bacteria, on the other hand, thanks to these bacteria, blood pressure is under control.

The study included 904 people aged 25 to 82 who had a medical database in Germany's Biobank. All of them were also asked about 112 types of food.

Participants were asked about their diet, sleep, and other information, and their blood pressure was tested several times a day. Those who ate apples, pears, and berries had normal blood pressure levels.

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