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There are still Americans at Kabul air terminal, a Taliban representative said

There are still Americans at Kabul air terminal, a Taliban representative said

Bilal Karimi, a representative for the Taliban, which has assumed liability for Afghanistan, said Americans were currently present in just a piece of the Kabul air terminal. 

Conversing with a US telecaster, Afghan Taliban representative Bilal Karimi said that the new government to be framed in Afghanistan would attempt to keep up with great relations with the United States.

He said that he might want to have great relations with the United States, in any case, conciliatory and financial relations with the United States would be set up based on equity.

Bilal Karimi said that the Taliban have assumed liability for most pieces of the Kabul air terminal, the Americans have gone from 3 significant spots of the tactical piece of the air terminal.

The Taliban spokesman also said that the three key locations in the military part of Kabul Airport are now under Taliban control, while only a few parts of the airport are now occupied by Americans.

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